HC Deb 14 July 1890 vol 346 c1691

Order for Motion for Select Committee read.


I believe it is generally desired that progress should be made by the Committee, and if anything is to be done this Session, the Committee should be appointed without delay. I do not know that we shall be better able to proceed with the Motion another evening.


We desire the appointment of the Committee, but we desire also, to make some representations on the terms of reference. What the Welsh Members intend, I do not know, but for the discussion, not a long one, of points we desire to raise, I would ask that the Motion should be taken at an earlier hour.


The hon. Member must not understand me as making any engagement. I have no doubt objections might be met, and I may remind the hon. Member that discussion might be taken after 12 o'clock.


The objection to that is, that discussion may be terminated at any moment by any Member raising objection.

MR. S. EVANS (Glamorgan, Mid)

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he will accept the Amendment standing in my name?

Motion deferred to Thursday.