§ MR. J. O'CONNOR (Tipperary, S.)I beg to ask the Attorney General for Ireland whether he is aware that a meeting of the suppressed branch of the National League at Tipperary was held on Sunday, the 29th ultimo, and that after the meeting was over, from 500 to 600 men marched into the town in a body; whether any steps were taken by the police to prevent the holding of this meeting, and do meetings of this brunch regularly take place once a fortnight, where speeches are delivered; and is it the intention of the Government to allow these meetings to be held in the future; and, if so, will the Government announce its intention, so that the members of the branch may not be put to the trouble of holding them in secret?
§ *MR. MADDENI am informed that there was no outdoor meeting of the suppressed branch of the League at Tipperary on the date mentioned; and, 1319 also, that it is not a fact that 500 or 600 men marched into the town. The Government has no intention as that expressed in the last paragraph of the question.