§ MR. ALFRED PEASE (York)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in view of the serious want of details and discrepancies that exist in the published maps of Africa, purporting to give the new boundaries as settled by the Anglo-German Agreement, and seeing that the Tea Room map to which he has referred hon. Members does not correspond in some particulars with the Agreement, and does not give the following rivers and places named in the Agreement and Correspondence, namely, the River Lum°. southern branches of the River Kilambo, River Aka, Lufira River, and Towe, Kowe, and Agotine, in the Volta District, he will re-consider his decision, and have a correct map setting forth the new boundaries published for the use of Members?
§ *SIR J. FERGUSSONA map will be placed in the Tea Room. At the time when that now in the Tea Room was prepared we were not in possession of the full particulars.
§ MR. SCHWANNI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether the Naval Authorities at the Admiralty, or otherwise, have presented any Report as to the strategical importance of Heligo- 1308 land to England; and, if so, what is that Report?
*MR. W. H. SMIIHAs I have before stated, the papers relating to the strategical value of Heligoland are of a confidential character, and I am unable to make any statement as to their purport, but the hon. Gentleman may draw his own inference from the fact that no Government since 1821 has either armed or garrisoned the island.
§ MR. SCHWANNDoes it not appear that these documents are so confidential that they can only be shown to Members on the other side of the House?
§ [No answer was given.]
§ MR. CHANNINGI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether, in, the case of those inhabitants of Heligoland who, under the 2nd section of the 12th article of the Anglo-German Agreement, exercise their right of option to remain British subjects, the children of such inhabitants born after the signature of the Agreement will, under the Agreement, have the status of British subjects or will be German subjects, and liable to military and naval conscription and the other duties of German subjects? I wish further to know what will be the position of these children under the German law. Will they be liable to conscription or not?
§ MR. W. H. SMITHI will lay the German law on the Table.