HC Deb 07 July 1890 vol 346 c1032

Order for Second Reading read.

*(12.7.) MR. NORRIS (Tower Hamlets, Limehouse)

I do not rise to move the Second Reading of this Bill, but to ask leave of the House to withdraw the Bill, with a view to give the County Councils an opportunity of discussing the question during their autumn sittings. The Bill has the approval and support of many Members on both sides of the House, and my hon. Friend the Secretary to the Local Government Board has expressed, on a former occasion, his approval of the principle of the Bill, and that it is a subject well worthy of the consideration of the House. In asking leave to withdraw the Bill, I beg to give notice that I shall re-introduce it next Session. I now move that the Order be discharged.

Motion made, and Question, "That the Order be discharged, and the Bill withdrawn,"—(Mr. Norris)—put, and agreed to.