§ While Mr. GLADSTONE was speaking, and before he had completed his last sentence, the doorkeeper advanced to the Bar, and, in a loud voice, announced the arrival of "Black Rod." There were cries of "Order!" from the Opposition Benches below the Gangway, and Mr. W. REDMOND exclaimed, "Bother the House of Lords," followed by "Order, order!" from Mr. SPEAKER.
§ Message to attend the Lords Commissioners;—
§ The House went;—and being returned;—
§ Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to,—
- River Suck Drainage (Provision of Funds) Act, 1890.
- Herring Fishery (Scotland) Act Amendment Act, 1890.
- Municipal Elections (Scotland) Act, 1890.
- Contagious Diseases (Animals) (Pleuro-pneumonia) Act, 1890.
- Electric Lighting (Scotland) Act, 1890.
- Anglesey Act Repeal Act, 1890.
- Kew and Petersham Vicarage Act, 1890.
§ And a number of Private Bills.