§ SIR WALTER FOSTER (Derby, Ilkeston)I beg to ask the hon. Member for Penrith (Mr. J. W. Lowther) whether he is aware that, under a bequest of a Mrs. Ann Jenkinson, a sum of money was left, the interest of which was to be applied to the reduction of the rents of allotments held by poor men residing at Tiddington, near Alveston, Warwickshire; whether it is true that the Trustees of this Charity have rented from one of their number (the Vicar) nine acres of glebe land at a rental of £3 10s. per acre, and have sub-let the same to lubourers in allotments at £3 per acre, while the adjacent portion of the glebe land has been let to a farmer at 25s. per acre, and the rent for allotments in neighbouring parishes is 30s. to 35s. per acre; and whether the Charity Commissioners will take steps to ensure the operation of the 469 benevolent intentions of the testatrix for the benefit of the allotment holders of Tiddington?
MR. J. W. LOWTHER (Cumberland, Penrith)The facts set out in the question are not absolutely accurate, but are substantially correct. The Vicar, on May 19, suggested that the tenancy of the Trustees should be determined, and on June 5 the Commissioners informed the Trustees that this course was desirable.
§ SIR WALTER FOSTERThe hon. Gentleman has not answered the last paragraph of the question.
MR. J. W. LOWTHERIt seems to me that it is a matter for the Trustees themselves to carry out. Of course, the Commissioners will do everything in their power to assist the Trustees in carrying out the scheme.