§ SIR RICHARD PAGETI beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer, with reference to his reply on the 10th August last to the hon. Member for North Herts—"that he did not at present see his way to meeting the views of the County Councils" (namely, as to the supplying the deficiency of county resources, caused by the abandonment of the Horse and Wheel Tax); whether he is now prepared to consider the propriety of dealing with the matter, and affording some assistance to the ratepayers in meeting the charge for maintenance of main roads, which is now borne exclusively by the rates?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHE QUER (Mr. GOSCHEN, St. George's, Hanover Square)It appears that there is a growing regret at the loss of the blessing which I intended to confer on the ratepayer two years ago. I doubt whether that feeling is yet strong enough, or widespread enough, to admit of a revival of the Wheel and Van Tax. I do not think that it is perfectly correct to say that the ratepayers pay the cost of main roads exclusively, as there is the excess of the sum produced by licences as a set-off.
§ SIR R. PAGETWill the right hon. Gentleman be good enough to inform us what further expression he desires to receive in order to satisfy himself of the desirability of introducing a measure?
§ MR. GOSCHENAS soon as I can ascertain from the ordinary channels of information to which Ministers have recourse in order to ascertain the general feeling that there is the slightest chance of carrying a measure, I should be glad to introduce a Bill; but it would be useless to attempt to carry any measure of the kind unless there was a general agreement upon it. Perhaps the hon. Member will be able to persuade his colleagues in some of the boroughs that such a measure ought to be passed.