HC Deb 18 February 1890 vol 341 c573

I beg to ask the hon. Member for Penrith whether there are charity lands in Sutcombe Parish the rents of which, after defraying the cost of repairs, &c, of some almshouses, are applicable in making regular payments to the inmates of the almshouses; whether the trustees have refused to let any part of these lands as allotments to the cottagers, but have leased the whole for seven years to a farmer who was not the highest bidder; whether such action constitutes a violation of the 4th section of the Allotments Extension Act of 1882, which prescribes that when the rents of charity lands are distributed in gifts of money, doles, or articles of sustenance, the lands are to be offered in the first instance in allotments; and, whether the Charity Commissioners will take action under the 10th section of the Act in order that the cottagers may get the allotments they desire?

MR. J. W. LOWTHER (Penrith)

The rents of the lands referred to are applicable in the manner mentioned by the noble Lord. The trustees have leased the land in question for a term of seven years from Lady-day next to a farmer on the ground that his tender was the only desirable one out of five for the whole land. This action does not, in the opinion of the Charity Commissioners, constitute a violation of the 4th section of the Allotments Extension Act, 1882, inasmuch as lands, the rent of which is so applied, are held by them not to be within the meaning of that section.

MR. JESSE COLLINGS (Birmingham, Bordesley)

was proceeding to put a further question, when Mr. Speaker ruled that it was out of order, and that notice must be given.


gave notice that upon an early opportunity he would call attention to the action of the Charity Commissioners.

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