HC Deb 14 February 1890 vol 341 cc309-10

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will institute a searching inquiry by some impartial persons, other than the Prison Authorities, into the circumstances of the death of William Henry Gatcliffe, a prisoner who died in Strangeways Gaol, Manchester, in November last, and who was found to have his breast bone and six ribs broken; injuries which the local medical examiners declared to have been sus- tained within 48 hours of his decease?


One of the warders was tried for the manslaughter of this prisoner and was acquitted. In the course of the trial all the circumstances attending the death of Gatcliffe were laid in evidence before the Court, and since then the whole matter, and the general administration of the prison by the local officers, have been carefully investigated by the Prison Commissioners; and I am satisfied that no further light can be thrown on this melancholy occurrence by any further inquiry.


Is it a fact that Captain Wilson, who was present at the trial on behalf of the Home Office, did not examine the medical man who conducted the post mortem examination?


My hon. Friend must give notice of that question.