HC Deb 02 December 1890 vol 349 c348
SIR RICHARD TEMPLE (Worcester, Evesham)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is true, as announced in the Times of 26th November, that the trade between Suakin and the interior of the Eastern Soudan is practically closed; what are the circumstances under which, last August, the gates of Suakin were closed to trade with the interior, thus depriving the Hadendo was of the supplies of grain needed by them in consequence of the failure of their crops last season; whether there is truth in the statements that have been publicly made as to the intention of the Egyptian authorities to renew operations against Osman Digna and the Mahdists in the Soudan; and whether measures will be adopted with a view to putting an end to the disturbances which have existed in the Eastern Soudan during past years?


Trade between Suakin and the interior has been suspended since last August in consequence of the precautions which it was necessary to take against cholera; but orders have been given that as soon as these precautions were no longer necessary, all persons should be allowed to come to Suakin and buy grain. Exception is made only where there is good reason to believe that the supplies are intended for the support of the Dervish force. The renewal of military operations in the Soudan referred to by my hon. Friend is not contemplated by the Egyptian Government.