§ MR. PICKERSGILLI beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury what progress has been made in the promised investigation of the cases of the dismissed postmen, and how many have been reinstated?
§ MR. W. H. SMITHThe Postmaster General is now engaged in the difficult task of examining each individual case, and forming a judgment with respect to it. It is a matter of great importance, and ought not to be the subject of a hasty decision; but I have reason to believe that the decision of the Postmaster General will shortly be arrived at.
§ In answer to a further question by Mr. CONYBEARE,
§ MR. W. H. SMITHsaid he had no further information to give beyond that which he had communicated to the House. It was not the case that the men were interfered with by the police, or were prevented from obtaining any employment.