Return ordered—
Showing (1)names and situations of Cemeteries situated within the present municipal boundaries of Glasgow, or within a distance of three miles thereof, excluding burial grounds closed permanently by order of the Sheriff in May, 1870; (2) distances from Glasgow Cross; (3) the number of dwelling-houses within 100 yards of walls of each Cemetery; (4) where the drainage of each Cemetery is led to; (5) the nature of the subsoil, whether clayey, sand, loam, or otherwise; (6) name of owner or Company drawing revenue; (7) extent of each ground; (8) the date of the first interment in each; (9) for each of the years 1887, 188S,and 1889, the number of bodies buried in each class of grave known as (a) private lairs, (b) dressed ground, (c) common ground, and (d) parochial ground; (10) the average depth and surface space allowed for each selected or private grave; (11) the average depth and surface space of each common grave and the unoccupied space left between each common grave; (12) the average number of bodies buried in each common grave, including bodies of children, stating also the highest and lowest individual case; (13) the total charge made by the proprietor of the Cemetery for an interment in common ground; and(14) whether bodies are removed after burial from common to private ground upon the relatives paying an additional sum, if so, how many bodies have been so transferred."—(Dr. Cameron.)