§ MR. M'CARTANI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that three applications have been made to the Board of National Education in Ireland for a grant in favour of the school at Ballygorianmore, near Hill-town, County Down; and if he will state the grounds for refusing same; whether his attention has been called to a resolution unanimously adopted by the committee under the presidency of Rev. H. H. Moore, M.A., the Presbyterian minister, on the 22nd July, in which it 1549 is stated that the school fulfils all the conditions required by the rules of the Board for making such a grant; and whether he will inquire into the matter, with the view of redressing the grievance of which the Presbyterians of the district complain?
§ MR. A. J. BALFOURThe Commissioners of National Education report that this school had been in connection with the Board until the 31st December, 1886, from which date the grants were cancelled, the average attendance having fallen below the minimum required to warrant their continuance. Two applications appear to have been subsequently made for restoration of the grant, but, there being no evidence that the required attendance would be secured, and as it was strongly felt that there was no need for the school, there being within one mile of the place a school under a Presbyterian manager (the Rev. Dr. Wilson), with a Presbyterian teacher, and as the Commissioners' Inspector declined to recommend the aid, the Commissioners do not feel warranted in making a grant.