HC Deb 25 April 1890 vol 343 c1437

Resolution reported, That it is expedient to authorise the payment, out of moneys to be provided by Parliament, of an annual sum, not exceeding £140,000, towards defraying the cost of the execution, in Great Britain, of any Act of the present Session for conferring further powers under the Contagious Diseases (Animals) Acts, 1878 to 188G, with respect to pleuropneumonia; and of an annual sum, not exceeding £20,000, towards defraying the costs of the execution of the said Act in Ireland.

(4.55.) MR. BUCHANAN (Edinburgh, E.)

I should like to ask the First Lord of the Treasury a question with regard to the Bill which is to be founded on this Resolution. The right hon. Gentleman is no doubt aware that at the present time there are on the Paper pages of Amendments by Scotch Members bearing directly on financial questions; indeed, there is grave dissatisfaction in Scotland with the financial terms on which it is proposed to base the Bill. I wish to know whether the subject has been brought under the notice of the Government, and when it is intended to take the Bill?

*(4.56.) MR. W. H. SMITH

The subject has received the serious consideration of the Government, and they are now considering by what means they can make proposals which will be satisfactory to hon. Members for Scotland in reference to the charge which may possibly be imposed upon Scottish funds by the operation of the Bill. The Government hope to proceed with the Bill on Tuesday next. In the meantime notice will be given of such changes in the measure as I hope will be found to be satisfactory.

Resolution agreed to.