§ MR. HOWORTH (Salford, S.)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if his attention has been called to an attempt which has recently been made by three Europeans to set fire to the famous Boulak Museum in Egypt, 686 which contains objects of priceless value for the history of art and of early man; and whether the Government can see their way to putting some pressure on the Authorities in Egypt to secure that these objects shall be housed in some building less liable to be burnt down than the Palace in which they are now contained, and for their better custody and protection. I also wish to have an answer to a question put some time ago whether the Egyptian Authorities are taking any means for the protection of monuments which have been recently much destroyed by travellers in the Nile Valley? My right hon. Friend said that he would inquire of Sir Evelyn Baring and inform the House.
§ *SIB J. FERGUSSONNo information has yet been received as to an attempt made by three Europeans to set fire to this Museum, On February 9, Her Majesty's Agent and Consul General reported that the transfer of the Boulak Museum to the Palace of Ghizeh had been effected with complete success, and that there could be no doubt that the ancient Egyptian monuments had been placed in far greater security and would be seen to far greater advantage than had hitherto been the case.