HC Deb 17 April 1890 vol 343 c672

I beg to ask the Postmaster General whether the vacancy in the Postmastership at Letter-kenny has yet been filled; what the allowance for office rent is to be; what are the numbers of the assistants, established and unestablished, and their respective salaries; and whether there is any difference in the work done by them?


No appointment has yet been made to the Letterkenny Post Office, but I hope to be able to make one shortly. An allowance will be granted for office rent; but the amount of it cannot be fixed at present—depending, as it does, upon the arrangements which the new Postmaster may make. The established force will consist of three members on scale, rising from 12s. to 30s. a week. There will also be two assistants, unestablished, at £30 a year each. Between the work done by the established and unestablished force there is, no doubt, a difference; but what this difference is in the particular case of Letterkenny, the shortness of the notice has not admitted of my ascertaining. If I can obtain any information, I will furnish the hon. Member with it.