§ MR. BUCHANAN (Edinburgh, W.)May I ask if there was not an understanding before the adjournment for the holidays that no Votes would be taken to-night in relation to Foreign Affairs, and, if so, is it proposed to proceed with the Diplomatic and Consular Vote which stands first on the Paper in Supply?
§ *MR. W. H. SMITHThere was no understanding that the Diplomatic and Consular Vote was not to be taken tonight, and Class 5 has been put down after notice. The understanding at the close of last Session was that these Votes which had been postponed should betaken at the earliest possible period this year. The Report of the Diplomatic and Consular Vote will, however, be postponed for at least a week, and Members who desire to speak upon it will have an opportunity of doing so. They will also have an opportunity of speaking on Foreign Affairs on the foreign Office Vote in Class 2.
MR. J. MORLEY (Newcastle-on-Tyue)As next week is likely to be a full week, may I ask whether full opportunity will be afforded for the discussion of this Vote on Report.
§ *MR. W. H. SMITHIf it is desired to discuss the Vote, full opportunity for the discussion will be afforded.