HC Deb 01 April 1890 vol 343 c396

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether, and if so when, he intends to make a statement as to what part the Yeomanry Cavalry are to take in the second line of defence; whether their position will correspond to that of the Volunteer Infantry and Artillery; and, if not, can he explain the reason?


There are a good many difficulties in the way of assigning to the Yeomanry, with the same definiteness as in the case of the Volunteers, the exact position which they will have to fill on mobilisation, and I was unwilling to make any partial statement on the subject. But a scheme is being worked out which will fully recognise the value of the Yeomanry in the defence of the country, and I shall be glad to make it public as soon as it is finally settled.

DR. TANNER (Cork Co., Mid)

How soon will it be that we shall have this information?


I would rather not fix a date.


Can the right hon. Gentleman fix an approximate time?


No; there are a good many details involved.