HC Deb 01 April 1890 vol 343 cc408-9
MR. NEWNES (Cambridge, E., Newmarket)

I beg to ask the Vice Presi- dent of the Committee of Council on Education whether the Croxton Village School, which is in receipt of a Government grant, was refused to the Liberal candidate for West Cambridgeshire on 18th February, on the ground that it could not be let for political purposes, and on the 12th March was let, or lent, for the annual meeting of the Croxton Conservative Club; and whether he will take any steps to prevent the Government aided schools being used in the interests of one Party and to the exclusion of another?


It is not the duty of the Department to determine for what purposes managers or owners of schools may allow them to be used out of the ordinary school hours. I have no means of bringing pressure to bear one way or the other upon these owners of schools; but I have already expressed an opinion in this House that schools should be lent to both Parties, because the more the views of hon. Members opposite are disseminated the better for the political future of our own friends.


Is it not the fact that these schoolrooms are almost universally lent for Conservative demonstrations and refused when asked for by the Liberals?


No, Sir; that is very much denied.