Customs | 100,000 |
Inland Revenue | 100,000 |
Post Office | 600,000 |
Post Office Packet Service | 160,000 |
Total for Revenue Departments | £960,000 |
Grand Total | £3,455,500 |
§ DR. CAMERON (Glasgow College)I am sorry to interpose, but does not this Vote on Account embrace sums required for the Post Office which may become due, and will payment on. account of the Submarine Cable Contract, about which I asked a question, to-day, be included? I have indicated my objection to the contract, and I would ask the right hon. Gentleman to promise that nothing of this sum shall be applied to this cable subsidy, but that we shall have an opportunity of discussing it before any promise is made.
§ * MR. W. H. SMITHNo portion of this Vote will be devoted to 1277 payments on account of the Cable Contract referred to by the hon. Member. The Post Office Telegraphs Vote is passed, and if any payment were to be made it would be out of that Vote. The hon. Member has received an assurance that a Treasury Minute shall be laid on the Table stating the circumstances in relation to a variation on the terms of the contract, and if necessity arises the hon. Member will have an opportunity of raising the question and taking the opinion of the House before any payment is made.
§ DR. CAMERONUpon the Treasury Minute?
§ Mr. W. H. SMITHassented.
Question put and agreed to.
Resolution to be reported to-morrow.
Committee to sit again to-morrow.