HC Deb 07 May 1889 vol 335 c1367

Ordered, that the Select Committee on the Trust Funds Investment Bill do consist of 17 Members.

The Committee was accordingly nominated of—Mr. Bartley, Mr. William Beckett, Mr. Biddulph, Mr. Bristowe, Mr. Clancy, Sir Edward Clarke, Mr. 'Cozens-Hardy, Sir Horace Davey, Mr. Maurice Healy, Mr. Samuel Hoare, Mr. James William Lowther, Mr. Francis Maclean, Mr. Montagu, Mr. Oldroyd, Sir William Plowden, Mr. Edward Stanhope, and Mr. Tomlinson.

Ordered, that the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.

Ordered, that five be the quorum.—(Mr. Cozens Hardy.)

SIR. G. CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy)

asked whether the Government approved of the Committee?


said that the usual practice had been followed. Communications had passed between the two sides of the House. The hon. Member was responsible in the first place, but undoubtedly the Government and the Opposition had had the usual influence with regard to the nomination, and as far as he could see the Committee was specially well qualified for discharging the duty.