HC Deb 06 May 1889 vol 335 c1236
MR. W. S. CAINE (Barrow)

asked. the Postmaster General if he would consider the desirability of establishing a. ship-mail for India, for newspapers and printed matter, at a reduced rate by the mail steamers of the Peninsular and Oriental Company leaving London for Bombay each week?


As far as I am aware, there is no public demand for any arrangement whereby newspapers and printed matter, could be sent to India by the all-sea route at reduced rates. Weekly newspapers posted for conveyance by steamers leaving the Thames on Thursday or Friday afternoon would, be a week older than those posted on Friday evening for transmission via Brindisi; and. as the papers sent by the all-sea route would lose another week on the journey, they would be a fortnight older on reaching their destination than those sent by the regular overland route, and would thus be practically worthless. Other printed papers can now be sent weekly by the route indicated by the Parcel Post to India.