HC Deb 28 March 1889 vol 334 c1040
MR. CAINE (Barrow-in-Furness)

I desire to ask the right hon. Gentleman the President of the Board of Trade whether it is intended under the Rail-way and Canal Traffic Act, 1888, that all or any existing maximum railway mileage rates, which have been authorized by Parliament, may be abrogated, and higher rates substituted for them; and whether special terminal charges may be-created in cases where no such charges have been definitely authorized by Parliament nor have been levied as terminals by railway companies?


The rates and charges settled under Section 24 of the Act of last year will, when confirmed by Parliament, be the rates and charges which the railway company in each case will be entitled to make. The section provides that the schedules to be submitted shall state the nature and amounts of all terminal charges proposed to be authorized. It is clearly the intention that terminal charges shall be authorized, but what these are to be, and what the maximum rates are to be, is a matter for discussion and for the decision of Parliament.