HC Deb 28 March 1889 vol 334 cc1042-3
MR. JAMES ROWLANDS (East Finsbury)

I wish to ask the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware, as stated in the Star of the 26th instant, that the firm of Alexander Ross and Co., of Grange Mills, Bermondsey, who were struck off the list of contractors in March, 1888, have been supplying and manufacturing Government orders for Colonel Wallace, of 139 and 140, Great Dover Road, S.E.; and whether he will cause an inquiry to be made at once into such an irregularity?


I have given the strictest order that the firm of Messrs. Boss is not to be employed by Colonel Wallace or any other Government contractor. As Colonel Wallace is not a leather manufacturer, he has to buy his leather from the trade. But some time ago, finding that he was purchasing buff leather cut out by Messrs. Ross, I made it a sine quâ non that all the work connected with the order—including cutting out—must be executed in Colonel Wallace's factory, although this has involved some increase of cost on the contract.