HC Deb 26 March 1889 vol 334 c836
MR. COBB (Warwickshire, Rugby)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he could state who supplied to the Secretary of the Special Commission the copy of Messrs. Walsh and Sons' shorthand notes, from which the proceedings in O'Donnell v. Walter were printed in the Blue Book issued for the purposes of the Commission; whether such copy was returned by the Queen's Printers to the Secretary of the Commission, together with the proof of the print of the Blue Book; and, whether any Member of the House desiring it can be afforded an opportunity of seeing the copy from which such notes were printed?


The Secretary of State has no means other than such as may be accessible to the hon. Member of ascertaining the facts regarding which information is sought in the first and second paragraphs of the question. The Secretary of State has no power to authorize the inspection by anyone of the document mentioned. Authority for inspection can be given only by the Commissioners themselves.