HC Deb 25 March 1889 vol 334 c812

I beg to move for Copy of all Official Correspondence relating to the appointment of Divisional Commissioners in Ireland to be Justices of the Peace for certain counties; and Return showing the Precedents, if any, for the appointment of salaried Officials by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland to the Commission of Justice of the Peace; the Counties for which each Divisional Commissioner has been appointed as Justice; the amount payable by each Commissioner on his appointment as Justice; the Date of Payment; the Date on which each Commissioner was appointed a Justice for each County; and the Date on which he ceased to be a Resident Magistrate.


I object.


I was going to ask the hon. Member to postpone the resolution, as we cannot give him the Return in the exact form he asks; we must have further consultation.


This is the second time the Motion has been postponed. The Irish Office has never had the courtesy to make any communication to me on the subject, although the Chief Secretary promised last Friday to consider in what form the Return should be given. I do not think it is a businesslike proceeding. At the request of the right hon. Gentleman, however, I will postpone the Motion till Thursday.

Motion postponed till Thursday.