§ Ordered, That the Committee on Town Holdings do consist of Twenty-five Members.
§ The Committee was accordingly nominated of,—Mr. Arthur Acland, Mr. Amherst, Mr. Bartley, Mr. Baumann, Mr. Beadel, Mr. Biggar, Mr. Conybeare, Mr. Channing, Mr. Stormonth Darling, Mr. Thomas Ellis, Sir John Whittaker Ellis, Mr. Elton, Mr. Lewis Fry, Dr. Fox, Mr. Seale-Hayne, Mr. Lawson, Mr. Heath, Mr. Knowles, Sir Henry James, Mr. Compton Lawrance, Mr. Macartney, Sir William Marriott, Mr. James Rowlands, Viscount Wolmer, and Colonel Nolan.
§ House adjourned at quarter before One o'clock.