HC Deb 20 March 1889 vol 334 c332

Ordered, That a Select Committee of Seven Members, Four to be nominated by the House and Three by the Committee of Selection, be appointed to inquire into and report on the circumstances under which workmen entered in the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, and other Government establishments, between the 17th day of December 1861, and the 4th day of June 1870, have hitherto been refused the benefit of "The Superannuation Act, 1859," and "The Superannuation Amendment Act, 1873," and subsequent Amendment Acts, and particularly whether it was in the year 1870 or later that they were for the first time informed that a War Office Circular of the 17th day of December 1861 had assumed to suspend "The Superannuation Act, 1859," so far as these men were concerned, and as to whether they are or ought to be within the benefits of the said Act of 1873.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.

Order, that five he the quorum (Colonel Hughes.)

House adjourned at five minutes before Seven o'clock.