HC Deb 15 March 1889 vol 333 c1914

A Special Committee has been appointed by the War Office to deal with the question of High Explosives; and experiments are also in progress with several descriptions of smokeless powder for use with quick-firing guns. The experiments against the Resistance with shells charged with high explosives will also now be shortly completed, and will determine several important points in reference to Armament and Ammunition, besides affording the required information as to the most suitable form of defence to be adopted.

The experiments on armour-plating, mentioned in my Statement last year have been carried out successfully, valuable information having been obtained as to the relative qualities of steel-faced and steel armour when attacked by modern guns and projectiles.

Experiments with submerged torpedo discharges in vessels of high speed have been continued; and many of the special difficulties incidental to that method of discharge have been overcome.

The reduction of this Vote to £1,463,000 has been possible by the transfer to another fund of the cost of armament of the new ships which it is proposed to build by contract.

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