§ SIR EDWARD BIRKBECK (Norfolk, E.)I beg to ask the First Lord of the Treasury whether the constitution of the new Agricultural Department created by the Board of Agriculture Bill follows exactly the precedent of "The Local Government Board Act, 1871;" and, whether there is any, and, if so, what, difference in the position and independence of the Minister to be designated as President of the Board? I should also be glad to learn when the Committee stage of the Bill will be taken?
§ * MR. W. H. SMITHThe Board of Agriculture Bill and the Local Government Act of 1871 run on similar lines, and the President will be as independent and equally responsible for his Department as is the President of the Local Government Board. I am not able to say at present when the Committee stage 14 of the Bill will be taken. I hope it will be possible to take it next week.