§ DR. CAMERON (Glasgow College)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, when the Papers relating to the removal of British subjects from the British ship Richmond, at Samoa, by armed boats from the German war-ship Adler, and their subsequent release, on the demand of the British Naval Commander, which he promised on the 12th March to place before Parliament, will be laid upon the Table?
§ * THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Sir JAMES FERGUSSON,) Manchester, N.W.The papers which were promised on the 12th of March, relating to recent events in Samoa, were laid on the Table on the 20th of that month. I stated that they would contain references to the affair of the Richmond, and they gave the facts as then known to us by telegraph. Despatches subsequently received gave similar and, of course, fuller accounts. Inasmuch as the action of the German Authorities on the spot in that affair was disapproved by the German Government, and the claim of the owners for compensation is under consideration, it is thought inexpedient to lay further Papers on the subject at present.
§ DR. CAMERONIs the claim for compensation under consideration by the Conference?
§ * SIR J. FERGUSSONNo, Sir. The claim for compensation is being separately considered. It was not under the consideration of the Conference.