Lords Message [16th July] considered.
Ordered, That a Select Committee of Five Members be appointed to join with the Committee appointed by the House of Lords, as mentioned in their Lordships' Message of the 16th day of this instant July, to consider and report under what circumstances, or upon what conditions, if any, Private Bills altering the terms of the Memorandum of Association of Companies, ought to be allowed to pass.
Ordered, That Mr. Courtney, Mr. Bristowe, Mr. Haldane, MR. Raikes, and Sir Horace Davey be Members of the Committee.
Ordered, That Three be the quorum.
Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Lords to acquaint their Lordships that this House, having considered their Lordships' Message, has appointed a Select Committee of Five Members to join with the Committee appointed by the House of Lords, as mentioned in their Lordships' Message of Tuesday the 16th day of this instant July to consider and report under what circumstances, or upon what conditions, if any, Private Bills altering the terms of the Memorandum of Association of Companies, ought to be allowed to pass.—(Sir Horace Davey).