HC Deb 18 July 1889 vol 338 cc819-20

Lords Amendments considered.

Amendments, as far as the Amendment in page 1, line 15, agreed to.

Amendment proposed, in page 1, line 15, to leave out from the word "Act," to the end of the Clause, and insert the words— Such certificate shall be subject to revocation by the chief registrar, with the approval in each case of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, but shall remain in force until so revoked, and until notice of such revocation shall have been advertised in the London Gazette, and in some newspaper in general circulation in the county in which the registered office is situate, and also transmitted by a registered letter to the society at such registered office; and so long as the certificate is in force the society shall be subject to all the provisions and entitled to all the privileges of the Friendly Societies Acts as if it were a society within the definitions of section eight of the principal Act not receiving contributions by means of collectors at a greater distance than ten miles from the registered office, the next Amendment, read a second time.

Amendment proposed in line 1 of the Amendment, to leave out the word "such,"and insert the words— In case of the refusal by the chief registrar to grant a certificate of exemption in any case, the society making the application may appeal to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, who are hereby empowered in such case to grant a certificate of exemption. Any."—(Mr. Tomlinson).

Question proposed, "That the word 'such' stand part of the Lords Amendment."


I hope my hon. Friend will not press this Amendment. I know the reasons why he has put his Amendment on the Paper, and to a certain extent I sympathise with them; but I do not think it will further the interests involved in this Bill if the responsibility of the Chief Registrar is diminished in the way in which the hon. Member proposes. I hope he will not press the Amendment, but allow the Bill to go through.


I know that it would be impossible for me to carry the Amendment in the face of the opposition of the Government, and therefore I will withdraw it at once.

Amendment to Lords Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Lords Amendment agreed to.

Subsequent Amendment agreed to.