HC Deb 11 July 1889 vol 338 c134

I should like to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he approves of the nomination of Members made by the Government Whip for the Committee to which the Bann Drainage Bill is to be preferred, containing, as the list does, three Irish Members supporting the Government and representing one-sixth of the Irish Members, and only one Irish Member of that part which includes five-sixths of the Irish Members.


The right hon. Gentleman must be aware that there are rules regulating the appointment of Committees of this House and the proportion of Members to be supplied by the various parties in the House. I know nothing whatever about the motives actuating other persons than the Government in deciding what names shall be submitted to the House. The only thing I do notice with regard to the names of Gentlemen on this side of the House is, as I think will be admitted, that Ireland is not under-represented.


I beg to give notice that I shall oppose the nominations.