HC Deb 25 February 1889 vol 333 c262
MR. J. E. ELLIS (Nottingham, Rushcliffe)

asked the Solicitor-General for Ireland whether any investigation has yet been made into the statements made in this House on the 19th December, 1888, by the hon. Member for Mid-Cork, respecting the arrest and dismissal from the Cape Mounted Infantry by the Government of Cape Colony of Captain Seagrave, R.M., for financial irregularities; and, if so, what has been the result of such investigation?


The matter referred to is still under investigation, and a reply to a communication addressed to the Cape authorities on the subject is now awaited.

MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W.)

I wish to ask how it is that two months have not been found long enough for an investigation of the case; and whether the Government will give an assurance that Captain Seagrave has not been allowed to try cases under the Crimes Act since December? Also, if he will give an assurance that this magistrate will not be allowed to try cases until the charges against him have been determined?


The gentleman in question has not been exercising jurisdiction recently, but he has been allowed leave of absence while the investigation was proceeding. In respect of the investigation itself, not a moment of time has been lost; but the irregularities are alleged to have taken place in South Africa, and, therefore, it is obvious that some time must elapse before a decision can be arrived at?


Will the leave of absence be allowed to terminate before a decision has been arrived at?


I have nothing to add to my answer.