HC Deb 28 August 1889 vol 340 c736
MR. JOHN KELLY (Camberwell, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether it is the fact, as alleged in the daily papers of the 27th instant, that John Mullan, an old man of 70 years of age, and his servant, an old woman named Walsh, were burnt to death in, the Woodford district of County Galway on the night of Sunday last; and, whether the house of John Mullan was maliciously fired; and, if so, whether the police have any information as to what was the motive for this murder?


It is, I regret to say, the case that this old man Walsh and his servant were burnt to death on Sunday night in their house at Wood-food. The police have been engaged in investigating the matter, and I am informed that, although there were some elements of suspicion, so far as they are able to form an opinion they think the burning was accidental.