HC Deb 20 August 1889 vol 339 c1769
MR. SHAW LEFEVEE (Bradford, Central)

It is intended to take the Irish Prisons Vote to-night, and if not when?


I offered yesterday to take the Vote to-day, but receiving no request from hon. Members below the Gangway I have decided that the Votes should go on in the ordinary way, the Land Commission Vote being taken to-night, and the other Votes in their order. I am still willing to take the Prisons Vote out of its order if hon. Gentlemen so desire. I may, perhaps, be allowed to say that I have Dr. O'Farrell's Report on the condition of Derry Gaol in manuscript. I am unwilling to give it to the printers, as it would necessarily take some days to get out. But I am willing to place the document in the Library for perusal by hon. Gentlemen interested in the matter.


I am most desirous to see the Report on the earliest opportunity. There are two reasons why I do not wish the Prisons Vote to come on out of its turn—first, because I want time to consider Dr. O'Farrell's Report on the vital question of the sanitary condition of Derry Gaol; and, secondly, because two of my hon. Friends who have been imprisoned under the Crimes Act will be at liberty to-morrow.


I will do all I can to bring the Report of Dr. O'Farrell under the notice of hon. Gentlemen from Ireland.