HC Deb 16 August 1889 vol 339 c1466
ADMIRAL FIELD (Sussex, Eastbourne)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether there is any truth in the statement of the Times correspondent of August 10th—namely, I must, however, call attention to the fact that in one of the belted cruisers of our squadron if the sheet anchor is let go there is absolutely no means of weighing it, as a six-inch wire hawser has been supplied in lieu of a chain cable. Nautical men will know what this means. And, further, if there is steam on the main engines it is also on all the auxiliary engines, as no stop-valves are fitted. Fires had to be put out the other day in order to make good a leak in a joint of the steam pipe of the capstan engine; and, if so, whether he will ascertain who is to blame for such shortcomings?


The allowance of chain cables at present supplied to the belted cruisers is 350 fathoms, and if proved to be necessary that amount will, after the manœuvres, be increased. The other statement with regard to the absence of stop-valves has evidently been made under a misapprehension, as there is a separate system for the auxiliary and main engines, and in no case would it be necessary to draw the fires in order to repair a leak in the steam pipe of the capstan engine.