HC Deb 15 August 1889 vol 339 cc1337-8

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for India; (1) whether the Government of India have discovered anything throwing light on the causes of the great spread in Indian European cantonments in recent years of a disease formerly unknown in India—namely, typhoid, and its prevalence last cold season in the camps of exercise at places hitherto deemed the most healthy; (2) whether the disease has at all extended to the Native Army and Native population; and (3) whether anything is being done to combat it, and guard against its recurrence next season?


(1) No, but the latest returns show that the disease received a check. (2) The Native Troops are particularly exempt from the disease. (3) In consequence of the recent epidemic of typhoid fever at certain stations, the Government of India, in March last, appointed a Medical Committee to inquire on the spot into the cause of the disease.