HC Deb 12 August 1889 vol 339 cc1010-1
MR. FLYNN (Cork, N.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the applications of many tenants, leaseholders, to have fair rents fixed under "The Land Act, 1887, have been dismissed on the technical point that they had not administration taken out; and that a large number of such tenants, whose cases have recently been listed, will be too late to receive the benefits of the Act; and, whether he will bring in a short Act to remedy this defect, and to extend the time in which leaseholders can enter Court, and to extend the time for taking out administration to all whose cases are listed before the 22nd instant?


The Land Commissioners report that if at the hearing of an application to fix a fair rent it i3 found that the applicant has not perfected his title as tenant by failure to take out administration to the former tenant the case is not dismissed, but adjourned in order to enable administration to be taken out. The case is in no way prejudiced thereby, inasmuch as the application having been filed, the case is one pending under the Act of 1887, and can be listed for hearing at any time when the tenant has perfected his title. No necessity exists for the suggested legislation.