HC Deb 08 August 1889 vol 339 cc767-8
MR. FENWICK (Northumberland),

(on behalf of Mr. CREMER (Shoreditch): I beg to ask the hon. Member for Penrith if, as the representative of the Charity Commissioners, he can state whether the vacancy caused by the decease of the late Master of St. Katharine's Hospital has been filled up; and, if so, what duties the new Master has to perform; what salaries and emoluments the new Master is to receive; and, whether the Charity Commissioners are taking any steps to reform the management of the hospital, and to utilise for educational and other useful purposes its increasing revenues?

* MR. J. W. LOWTHER (Penrith)

The Charity Commissioners are informed by the chapter clerk of St. Katharine's Hospital that the vacancy caused by the decease of the late Master has been filled up. The duties attaching to the office are those prescribed in the rules of the hospital, which were laid upon the Table of the House in the month of June last. The salary and emoluments of the new Master are the same as those of his predecessor. As the hon. Member was informed on the last occasion when the matter was discussed in the House, the Charity Commissioners have no power to take any steps to reform the management of the charity except upon an application from the majority of the governing body, and such application has not yet been received.

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