§ SIR ROBERT FOWLER (London)asked the Under Secretary of State for India whether all Officers who were appointed to cadetships in the Indian Army after December 1858 were informed that their appointments were conditional, or subject to any alteration that might be decided on: If any Officer was not so informed, wherein do the conditions of his appointment differ from those Officers appointed before December 1858, and who remained local Officers: And whether an Officer (Lieutenant Colonel Chapman, late Madras Army) who had received his nomination under the old conditions, and had never been informed of the contemplated changes, or called upon to signify his consent thereto, had nevertheless been posted to the general list, and subjected to great loss thereby?
*SIR J. GORSTMany officers appointed to cadetships in the Indian Army after December, 1858, were not called on to sign a note to the effect that they were aware of the conditions then introduced. (2) All these officers were appointed subject to those conditions. Officers appointed before December, 1858 were not. (3) Col. Chapman, received his appointment in March 1859, under the conditions under which it could alone be granted. He was posted to the general list, in common with the other officers in his position.