§ MR. HUGH ELLIOT (Ayrshire, N.)asked the Lord Advocate whether, when Schemes of the Educational Endowments (Scotland) Commissioners are, in compliance with the Educational Endowments (Scotland) Act (1882), laid upon the Table of the House and ordered 1703 to be printed, the Scotch Education Department will be prepared to print and circulate among Members, before such Schemes come up for consideration in the House, copies either of the original deeds upon which these charities are founded, or of such portions of them as have reference to the governing body or the purposes to which the founder intended the income of his endowment should be applied?
§ *THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. J. P. B. ROBERTSON,) ButeshireThis is not authorized by the Educational Endowments Act, The evidence heard by the Commissioners is printed with their Report; but the documents submitted in connection with the Schemes are often numerous and voluminous, and to make a selection might give rise to misunderstanding. In almost every case the operative words of the Trust Deed are given in the printed evidence.