MR. BANKIN (Herefordshire, Leominster)asked the First Lord of the Treasury whether the Board of Management connected with the recent Crofter Emigration had actually been appointed; and, if so, whether there was any objection to state the names of the gentlemen composing the Board; whether the Government proposed that this Board should be permanent; whether the Government would issue a Memorandum stating the functions and powers of this Board; and whether all communications connected with the Crofter Colonization should be addressed to the Secretary of the Board; and, if so, where was he to be found?
§ *MR. W. H. SMITHA Board was appointed under the Royal Sign Manual on the 26th of December last for the purpose of carrying out a scheme for the colonization in the Dominion of Canada of crofters and cottars from the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland. This Board consists of the Secretary for Scotland (for the time being), the High Commissioner for the Dominion of Canada in London (for the time being), the Lord Provost of Glasgow (for the time being), and Mr. Thomas Skinner, one of the Directors of the North-West Land Company of Canada. The Commission appointing the Board specifies its powers and functions, and was published in the London Gazette of December 28 last. I will lay a copy of the Commission on the Table of the House if the hon. Gentleman wishes me to do so. 1596 The Board has not been permanently appointed, but only for the purpose of the special scheme defined in the Commission. Mr. J. G. Colmer is temporarily acting as Secretary to the Colonization Board, and communications with reference to the business of the Board may be addressed to him at Dover House, Whitehall.