HC Deb 02 April 1889 vol 334 c1378

asked the Lord Advocate if it was the intention of the Fishery Board to issue a bye-law prohibiting beam trawling in the Firth of Clyde within a line drawn from the Mull of Kintyre across by Pladda and Ailsa Craig to Corsewall Point; when such bye-law was likely to be passed and put in force; whether the Government now saw their way to sanction such restriction of trawling in the estuary of the Clyde; and whether it was the case that the Secretary for Scotland has declared that a Bill was in course of preparation to effect the same or similar ends?

*A LORD OF THE TREASURY (Sir HERBERT MAXWELL,) in the absence of the Lord Advocate, said Wigtonshire

As regards the first three paragraphs of the question, the Fishery Board have no power to pass a bye-law prohibiting trawling within the points mentioned, and as regards the fourth question, I am informed that the Secretary for Scotland has no recollection of making any such declaration. I may call the hon. Member's attention to an Amendment on the Herring Fishery Bill which has been put on the paper by the hon. Member for South Ayrshire, which will put the question of prohibiting trawling within this area before the House for its decision.