HC Deb 02 April 1889 vol 334 cc1387-8

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, on Tuesday last, application was made by the legal representative of the Home Office (Mr. Wontner), at the Thames Police Court, for the adjournment of a summons for assault taken out by the steward of the International Workmen's Club against Detective Frost, until after the charges preferred by the police against members of the club have been tried at the County of London Sessions; whether this application was to be renewed on Wednesday next; whether it was the fact that Mr. W. M. Thompson, counsel for the complainant, stated that the case of his client would be prejudiced if such application were granted; and, whether, in the interests of justice, he would instruct Mr. Wontner not to press for such further adjournment?


The answer to the first paragraph is in the affirmative. I must decline to interfere with the course pursued by the solicitor in this case. His application will be dealt with by the Magistrate in the exercise of his discretion, and he will, no doubt, carefully consider any objection that the counsel for the complainant may raise.