HC Deb 26 November 1888 vol 331 cc127-8
MR. MARUM (Kilkenny, N.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been directed to certain proceedings of the General Prisons' Board, Dublin Castle, in relation to the threatened dismissal of Thomas Nolan, Warder, from his service in Her Majesty's Prison, Kilkenny; what is the charge, or breach of discipline, proved against the warder; whether he is aware that the Board's Minute of November 13, based upon a Report of Captain Hill, calling for the warder's resignation, is not regarded as satisfactory in the interests of justice by the local Visiting Justices of Kilkenny; and, whether, in view of the same, and having regard to the good character of the warder, and the difficulty, under present circumstances, of his being able to procure employment from the public upon dismissal, he will direct a further and independent inquiry to be instituted by the local Justices, or otherwise, as to the facts and circumstances of the case?

THE SOLICITOR GENERAL FOR IRELAND (Mr. MADDEN)(who replied) said (Dublin University)

The warder referred to was called on to resign, owing to a gross breach of discipline in removing a prisoner from his proper class, and for making a misstatement of facts. These circumstances, taken with his previous unsatisfactory record, rendered his further retention in the Public Service undesirable, and he was accordingly given the option of resignation or dismissal. The Government see no ground for calling for further inquiry into the matter.


stated, that in consequence of the unsatisfactory nature of this answer, he would call attention to the matter on the discussion of the Estimates.