HC Deb 26 November 1888 vol 331 cc144-5
MR. LANE (Cork Co., E.)

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether he will give instructions to Mr. J. Wolfe Barry to report to the Treasury upon the present condition of Ballycotton Pier, and specifically whether the original plan and specifications adopted by the Board of Works, and contracted for by the Messrs. Martin, were adhered to in the construction of the pier; and, if not, whether the alterations made are, in his opinion, better calculated to secure the stability of the structure; whether the samples of the stuff used in the hearting of the pier, which have been sent him from the holes made in the pier, are the same materials specified in the original contract; and, is the concrete, which has now split in the pavement, face, and north side of the pier head (specimens of which have been sent him by his representative), the concrete ordered by original specifications?


, in reply, said, that the form of reference to Mr. W. Barry would not preclude him from dealing with any point he might think important as regarded the construction and condition of Ballycotton Pier; and he (Mr. Jackson) did not wish to fetter his discretion by suggesting to him points to be dealt with in, or omitted from, his Report. He might say, however, that the Board of Works were instructed to furnish all and every information which might be necessary for Mr. Barry to possess, and that that had been done.


asked, whether the hon. Gentleman would take steps to have the Report ready before the Irish Estimates came on?


said, it would be impossible to undertake to do anything of the kind.


said, he would then have to ask that the Vote for the Irish Board of Works be postponed until the Irish Members saw Mr. Barry's Report.


said, he hoped it would not be necessary to do anything of the kind.