HC Deb 16 November 1888 vol 330 cc1499-500

Order for Second Reading read.

Objection being taken,

MR. ESSLEMONT (Aberdeen, E.)

said, he thought it desirable the House should know the intentions of the Government in regard to this Bill. On a former occasion it was objected to by the Lord Advocate, but the Bill was introduced very early in the Session.


Objection having been taken, the hon. Member cannot debate the Bill now.


said, with the permission of the Speaker, he wished to make a little explanation of the circumstances.


again reminded the hon. Member that objection had been raised.


said, he wished to have the Speaker's ruling under the exceptional circumstances in which the Bill was——


If the hon. Member wishes to ask a question I do not think objection will be made to that, but against debate, of course, the objection holds good.


said, if the House would extend its indulgence to him he had not the slightest intention of debating the Bill. He merely wished to ask the House to listen to a narration of the circumstances in which the Bill was placed—["Order, order!"]—in order that he might put a question to the Government in regard to it. The circumstances were very exceptional. The Bill had been delayed from time to time in hope that the Government would offer an opportunity for bringing it forward. ["Order, order!"] That opportunity had not been afforded, and he now asked whether it was the intention of the Government to give an opportunity for the discussion? If the Government would give no such opportunity he must withdraw the Bill.

THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURY (Mr. W. H. SMITH) (Strand, Westminster)

said, he was very sorry it was not in his power to offer the facili- ties for the Bill the hon. Gentleman desired. It was obvious that when the Government had been obliged to abandon many of their own measures they could not find time for the Bill of the hon. Member, however important it might be.


said, that being so, he would withdraw the Bill.

Order discharged.

Bill withdrawn.