§ SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTE (Exeter)asked Mr. Attorney General, If his attention has been directed to the heavy losses sustained by many retail traders in consequence of married women declining to pay accounts they have contracted, on the plea that they had been forbidden to pledge their husbands' credit; and, whether, having regard to the fact that such a prohibition can be given in an entirely private manner, he will consider the possibility of making some amendment to the existing law so 1247 as to increase the trader's means of ascertaining the responsibility of this class of his customers?
§ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Sir RICHARD WEBSTER) (Isle of Wight)I am aware that, from time to time in past years, attention has been called to the fact that losses have been inflicted upon retail traders by reason of their having given credit to married women whose husbands had forbidden them to pledge their credit; but, at the same time, it has been pointed out in many Judgments that greater evils would be occasioned by allowing a married woman to pledge the husband's credit where he has forbidden her to do so; and, inasmuch as it is entirely in the hands of retail traders themselves whether they will or will not give credit, there is not, in my opinion, any necessity for an amendment in the law.